[For Vincentians Only] SSVP EGM & Townhall

The National Council of SSVP Singapore invites you to our upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting, coinciding with the Town Hall.  This dual event is an effort to streamline communication and maximise the convenience of all participants. 

 As communicated in September, the Town Hall is set to be an engaging forum as we share our strategy initiatives for our Society.  Your presence and participation is important as we move forward.

If you have registered for the Town Hall, we want to assure you that your attendance has been accounted for.  There is no need for any further registration specifically for the EGM.  

If you haven’t had the chance to register yet, please do so using the provided link (https://tinyurl.com/ssvptownhall23) to ensure seamless access to both the EGM and Town Hall. 

Click here for Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting setting out the Agenda and Annexure.

Thank you and we anticipate a productive and informative session.  


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