Our COVID-19 Response

  • Amid the circuit breaker and social distancing restrictions, our members numbering 750 (called Vincentians) are working hard, by staying connected with the poor and with those families grappling with the crisis wrought by this pandemic, albeit via feasible (mainly non-physical) methods of communication.
  • New responses required, between mid-April and early May 2020, saw SSVP obtaining and giving refurbished laptops to as many as 90 children of our FIN families. This has certainly brought some cheer to these parents and children, empowering them with the very means of Home-based Learning and helping them forge ahead in their academic endeavours.
  • We have been tapping Internet banking mechanisms more than ever before, to ensure that each and every household, under our care and support, is not denied regular, sustained financial aid.
  • SSVP Singapore has obtained the approval of the NCSS, to implement the first post-circuit breaker round of delivery – of protection and care packs – to all our FINs.
  • These are trying times indeed, and many are likely to lose their jobs. Our Vincentians are, nonetheless, keeping a close watch and we will adopt every means possible to help such people in our midst.

On June 6 and 7, SSVP Volunteers and Vincentians with approval from the NCSS, made a timely distribution of care packs to almost all of its many Friends in Need (FINs). An anonymous donor initiated and sponsored, who come forth the care packs during this Covid-19 crisis. Our committed members and volunteers from 29 SSVP Conferences observed social distancing and other relevant Covid-19 guidelines, as they prepared and distributed care packs to more than 3,300 FINs across Singapore.

SSVP Care Pack Distribution June and December 2020

Agape Village’s Car park was designated as the goods central collection and distribution point. Our teams started the process a day before, on June 5, to receive the goods. They thenset out to fill each care pack bag with items that would bring a smile to the faces of our needy brothers and sisters in Christ. The packs included masks, bottles of antibacterial hand wash, cookies, muffins and vitamin C tablets. A big thank you goes out to the anonymous donor.

We also thank Cocoa Trees for the generous discount for the cookies, and Caritas and Agape Village for their support in making this event a resounding success.

A similar project was carried out on 5th December 2021 to pack and distribute a festive care pack for 2,000 FIN families, island wide.


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