SSVP Forum 2022

Vincentian came together last Saturday to attend the SSVP Forum held at St Francis Xavier Church.

It was a jam-packed afternoon with presentations on key topics including Leadership and Community Building, Financial and PDPA SOPs as well as becoming more familiar with the Milk & Diapers Programme and Community Services Office.

The Forum was also the perfect platform to share with Vincentians the new developments and direction SSVP is headed towards as part of its transformation.

The Forum ended with a lively Dialogue session between Vincentians and panellists and one thing was clear at the end of the Forum.

The needs of our Friends in Need on the ground remain great – with the continued impact of COVID, increasing inflation and now the Ukraine war which is driving prices up.

As one, Vincentians affirmed our continued commitment to befriend and provide assistance to those in need.

Vincentians serve in hope.


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